RF Facials
in Chennai

What Exactly Are RF Facials - The Diode Radiation Follicle Eliminator?
RF Facials, also referred to as Radio Frequency Facials, use the latest radio wave technology to treat a variety of skin issues. RF technology makes use of the high frequency wavelength of 4.0 MHz to very effectively remove moles, warts, skin tags, freckles, DPNs, and other lesions, while rejuvenating the skin. The procedure makes bloodless incisions, minimizing heat generation and protecting the surrounding tissues.
RF technology is not only limited to the treatment of skin lesions but also cosmetic use to improve skin texture and firmness and give the skin a good appearance. This modality is thus non-invasive but of great efficacy and with minimal patients discomfort and time off, which accounts for much of medical and aesthetic treatments.
Why Choose RF Facials in Chennai for Skin Concerns?
🢂 Precise and Safe – Removes skin lesions with minimal impact on surrounding tissues.
🢂 Bloodless procedure – Simultaneous cutting and coagulation of the tissue guarantees a clean and bloodless incision.
🢂 Non-Invasive Rejuvenation – Skin tightening and firming to have a young-looking appearance.
🢂 Small downtime – Quickly recover with few discomforts nor side effects.
🢂 Customizable Treatments – Suitable for a variety of skin concerns, including moles, warts, freckles, and more.
How Do RF Facials Work?
Step 1: Consultation and Skin Analysis
Our dermatologists evaluate your condition to establish if RF Facials best address your issues. A customized treatment schedule is then done taking into account your concerns and goals.
Step 2: The RF Procedure
The procedure involves the use of high-frequency radio waves delivered through a specialised electrode tip. These waves precisely cut or vaporise the targeted skin tissue while coagulating blood vessels, ensuring that the incision is bloodless and clean. It’s rather useful for mole removal, warts, and removal of skin tags with rejuvenation of the skin.
Step 3: Post-Treatment Care
There is minimal downtime after the procedure. Slight redness or swelling generally resolves within 24–48 hours. When properly cared for, the skin heals very rapidly, and noticeable results, including smoother, clearer skin, may be observed as early as several days.
Got Questions About RF Facials?
How long is the procedure?
Does it hurt?
What skin issues can RF treat?
RF can be applied in the removal of moles, warts, skin tags, freckles, DPNs, and other minor lesions. In addition, it enables the smoothening of the skin for cosmetic purposes as it enhances the texture and firmness of the skin.